How to make our hair grow faster
It can be frustrating to wait for your hair to grow without any care. The internet is full of suggestions for speeding up growth, but we think the easiest way to start is with your diet. A few simple adjustments can make a real difference. Once you've got the nutrition department under control, we've also rounded up the best and most effective lifestyle changes and hair care tips.
1. Taking care of your hair

1. Avoid shampooing daily.
Unless your hair is really oily, shampooing your hair every day can dry out your hair and damage it. Washing your hair every day allows the body's natural oils to condition your hair.
- Also, shampooing daily may damage your hair follicles. And using less shampoo may also help your hair stay healthy.

2. Use hair conditioner
Hair conditioner or softener are products that are used in the bathroom, after shampooing, to soften the hair. To neutralize the static electricity of the hair, after shampooing, this product is rubbed on the hair shaft to prevent frizz, these materials must be rinsed completely after use.

3. Wash your hair with cool water.
After shampooing your hair, rinse your clean hair briefly under cool water. Cool water makes the hair follicle strong. This will eliminate the amount of hair you lose after showering.

4. Minimize heat and color.
Using heat or hair color on your hair will damage it over time. Try to reduce the amount of heat used on your hair by allowing air to reach your hair whenever possible. Use sponge or velcro rollers instead of hot rollers. Minimize the amount of time between coloring and using a color-safe shampoo to minimize hair damage.

5. Comb your hair carefully.
Use a wide tooth comb to gently detangle your hair. Comb through the ends of your hair and work your way to the scalp. Pulling too much on the hair to comb the hair will cause hair loss.

6. Tie your hair properly.
Pulling your hair too tightly like a ponytail on top of your head can lead to breakage. Instead, tie your hair down. Avoid using rubber hair bands. Change the position of your ponytail so that your hair is not too fragile in one area.

7. Massage your scalp.
Performing a daily scalp massage on your head may help stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles and promote hair growth.Incorporate a daily scalp massage into your routine.
2. Lifestyle modification

1. Cut your hair.
It may not seem like a big deal, but cutting your hair will help get rid of frizz, which will make your hair grow faster. Over time, hair strands begin to split at the ends. These split ends are messy and likely to drag when brushing. Keeping your hair short will cause split ends to break. And shortening the hair causes these frizzies to disappear.

2. Use a silk pillow.
Your hair can get caught on the threads of a cotton pillowcase. A silk pillowcase reduces this friction, thus reducing breakage.

3. Avoid wrapping your hair in a towel.
Wrapping your hair in a towel on top of your head after showering can also cause breakage. Instead, gently squeeze excess water from your hair or straighten it.
- You may also consider using a microfiber towel to wrap your hair as these are gentler than regular cotton towels.
3. Change your diet.

1. Include protein in your daily diet.
Your hair and nails are primarily made up of a protein called keratin. Hair growth has three stages: anagen (when hair is growing), catagen (when growth begins to stop) and telogen (when growth stops or hair falls out). Hair that lacks protein goes into the resting phase faster than hair that is rich in protein.
- Chicken, eggs and Greek yogurt, soy are excellent sources of protein.
- Your protein needs vary depending on your weight and lifestyle. Most people need between 45 and 55 grams (1.6 and 1.9 ounces) of protein per day.

2. Increase the absorption of iron and zinc.
Minerals such as iron and zinc are very important for the production of proteins that make up body hair. Low iron is known to cause hair loss.
- You can get iron and zinc naturally in foods like spinach, beans, and seafood.
- The amount of iron and zinc you need daily depends on your age, gender and lifestyle. Consult your doctor before making any changes to your daily mineral intake.

3. Eat vitamin-rich foods.
Vitamin D is thought to be very important for hair growth. Vitamin C is also important for iron absorption. Vitamin C is common in citrus fruits such as oranges, grapefruits, and limes. You can get vitamin D from the sun and food sources such as condensed milk and fortified orange juice.
- Consult your doctor before making any changes to your daily vitamin.

4. Increase your intake of biotin and other B vitamins.
Biotin and other B vitamins can help promote healthy hair, so be sure to include these in your diet. By taking a daily multivitamin, you can ensure adequate intake of these vitamins. You can also eat foods rich in these vitamins.
- Eggs, cheese, mushrooms, almonds and cauliflower are good sources of biotin.
- B vitamins are found in fish, meat, eggs, dairy products, leafy vegetables, peas and beans. Also, look for foods that are fortified with B vitamins, such as cereals and bread.

5. Focus on good fats.
Omega-3 fatty acids are necessary for hair growth. They also keep your hair shiny and healthy. Your body does not produce this fat naturally
- You can get omega-3 fatty acids from fish. The American Heart Association recommends that an adult eat two servings of fish each week to get the right amount of omega-3 fatty acids.
- If you are a vegetarian or vegan, then make sure to take a DHA supplement.
- You can also get omega-3 fatty acids from flaxseed oil. One teaspoon a day is all you need for adults. For younger children, talk to your doctor.
1. Avoid shampooing daily. 2. Using hair conditioner or softener…
1. Cut your hair. 2. Use a silk pillow…
1. Include protein in your daily diet. 2. Increase the absorption of iron and zinc.